Function Reference


Creates a customizable text popup window.

SplashTextOn ( "title", "text" [, w [, h [, x pos [, y pos [, opt [, "fontname" [, fontsz [, fontwt ]]]]]]]] )



title Title for splash window.
text Text for splash window.
w [optional] Width of window in pixels. (default 500)
h [optional] Height of window in pixels. (default 400)
x pos [optional] Position from left (in pixels) of splash window. (default is centered)
y pos [optional] Position from top (in pixels) of splash window. (default is centered)
opt [optional] Add them up - default is 'center justified/always on top/with title'
 0 = Center justified/always on top/with title (default)
 1 = Thin bordered titleless window
 2 = Without "always on top" attribute
 4 = Left justified text
 8 = Right justified text
16 = Windows can be moved
32 = Centered vertically text
fontname [optional] Font to use. (OS default GUI font is used if the font is "" or is not found)
fontsz [optional] Font size. (default is 12; standard sizes are 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 36 48 72)
fontwt [optional] Font weight (0 - 1000, default = 400 = normal). A value > 1000 is treated as zero.


Return Value

Return the Handle of the splash window that can be used in ControlSetText.



To skip an optional parameter, leaving it's default value intact, use:
    "" for a string parameters
    -1 for a numeric parameters

Only one SplashImage/Text window is allowed at one time; so if you wish to cycle through multiple images/text, simply call SplashImageOn/SplashTextOn again with the new information.

Even better is to use ControlSetText to update text without flicker...
If the text is center and multiline, the ControlSetText will not override the number of lines created by the SplashTextOn.

Splash with opt=1 cannot be moved and cannot be activated by click.

Standard font names include:
    Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Lucida Console, Microsoft Sans Serif, System, Tahoma, Times New Roman, and WingDings
See Appendix for a complete font list

Use @LF to display several lines.



SplashOff, SplashImageOn, ControlSetText, ToolTip



SplashTextOn("Title", "Message goes here.", -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "", 24)

$message = ""
SplashTextOn("TitleFoo", $message, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "")
For $x = 1 to 20
    $message = $message & $x & @LF
    SplashTextOn("TitleFoo", $message, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "")

$message = ""
SplashTextOn("TitleFoo", $message, -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "")
For $x = 1 to 20
    $message = $message & $x & @LF
    ControlSetText("TitleFoo", "", "Static1", $message)